A - Z Health

Colonic Hydrotherapy & Nutritional Healing

Expertise at A-Z Health


Practitioner Claire Harris
(MSc) Nutrition and Behaviour, (ARCH)
Colon Hydrotherapist, BA(Hons), Natural Nutrition, Dip. Massage therapy, Dip. Abdominal 'Arvigo' Technique, Dip.


Naturopathically trained, all therapies and services provided are fully certified and insured. All light and heat treatments, including Infrared, aromatherapy essential oil, and botanical skincare products are all clinical certified. Claire cleared Atopic Eczema, IBS symptoms and PCOS at 23 years old after researching Natural health and healing approaches and applying them. She has spent her life teaching people how to gain clearer health and apply the right nutrtion and cleansing for whole body health, with 24 years in professional practice here in the UK and USA.

A-Z Health was set up in 2007 by Claire, with a desire to work in a truly personal way with individuals, especially in helping them navigate the confusion around limited advice for IBS to the minefield of Nutritional Health advice. Claire combines Nutritional Health, Colon Hydrotherapy and Massage with medicinal oils to help support individuals with their key health symptoms and ultimately in a process to transform their wellbeing and therefore their quality of life.

A-Z Health was established, and is run to provide individuals with professional help, guidance and treatments no matter what their condition or situation. Over the past 24 years Claire has been dedicated to bringing Complementary Healthcare into peoples lives. Claire has been qualified and in Practice as a Colon Hydrotherapist since 2000 and Nutritionist since 2001, and completed an MSc in Nutrition and Behaviour, with a research on IBS symptoms.

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