A - Z Health
Colonic Hydrotherapy & Nutritional Healing
Celebrating 24 years of successfully treating 'gut' discomforts, pain, bloating, IBS and constipation.

Nutrigenetics, Nutrigenomics or Nutritional genetics - Pricision Nutrition

Nutrigenomics is a powerful way to support optimal health with dietary and lifestyle changes and supplements that are tailored to your genes

How well do you utilise your vitamin supplements? Do you know about Methylation? Genetics


Contemporary Nutrition & Healing Your Gut

Nutrition & Behavioural Health and Healing - Anchoring healthy lifestyle changes in YOUR life.


"Together we can clear up distressing symptoms from flare ups, or chronic aspects in our general health".


In our sessions we will discuss Your current relationship with life, eating approaches and personalised behaviours. Within the context of YOUR life we will examine clearly the process right for you to gain better health and whole person living, creating a pathway to freedom from discomforts and setbacks, into achieving healthier living, naturally fulfilling goals and optimistic outlooks.



We will need to be candid in examining how you cope, this will be created in a caring, confidential, peacful and nurturing environment, this being a one-to-one setting, allowing us to understand why your health can breakdown, examine how you have coped to date - allbeit effective at times, others not so much. We wil then gain further insights into the right methods to using the effects of heaing nutrition for your symptoms, and reveal naturally healing insights into the areas necessary that relate to styles of coping and outlooks.


Our sessions will equip you to move more effectively into your whole life, establish healhtier relationship with others, and secure a shedding of unhelpful beliefs and behaviours that do not need to be there in your daily life, once we feel capable and have available energy to do so. We can work togather to establish your needs clearly and effortlessly, this will extend into naturally better health behaviours and outlooks.


These all become necessary when ultimately affecting your health, sense of peace, feeling of freedom in your life, and negative impacts on your day to day actions and living.  These underlinig links we work on will be impeding your energy, draw you into limited beliefs that effect being consistant, and maintaining a natural and healthy conviction for looking after our lives, maintaining and securing healthy change, over unhealthy approachs, and cultivate natural whole person living, symptom free and managed with ease.


Please call or email Claire on her dedicated number 079 4275 4230 or atozhealth.co.uk


I can help you with debilitating or compromising IBS / IBD, PCOS, Endometriosis, Eczema, Psorosis, Arthritis, or personal skin / health complaints.


I've seen transformation health disorders with the right tailored nutrition in so many clients, and I discovered personally firsthand in my twenties when I became covered in Eczema relating to Candida, afflicted with PCOs and putting up with chronic IBS. I want to help clients with overwhelming information related to nutrition and health conditions.  



We will address: Fatigue, Bloating, Candida and the low-grade symptoms and energy compromises in your general health. 


We can then prevent and manage any of the above conditions / symptoms:


Please call to arrange an Initial consultation, these can be held at Haslemere, near Haslemere or at the main Southsea Clinic.


Nutritional and Vitamins Health reviews thereafter can be established according to your rate of improvements and needs, these can be held remotely or at the clinic, approx alllow for 30 minutes.  


Nutritional Health
Allow up to 2 hours for the initial consultation  - £100.00

In this session we may have the opportunity to include some basic food culprit testing, but where necessary we will select more appropriate lab testing for your current condition. I will always endeavour to do the utmost work with the combined use of nutritional health - including vitamins, and the through the behavioural insights presenting. For general health or reviews we will focus on nutritional tweeks and residual behaviour loops.

Supplements advisory service
Session time 30 minutes - £55.00 (Supplement costs are not included)

Your Gut Healing
Establishing the right sequence for dietary and supplement benefits explained through consultation and a detox treatment for gut health will be arranged at the Southsea Colon Hydortherapy Centre. Two
sessions - all inclusive at both clinics:  £150.00.


Coming soon, to Haslemere 'Nutritional and Behavioural Health Clinic' will be Colon Hydrotherapy - a treatment and and therapy platform to initiating, and resetting yourself into better health and 

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